Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wednesdays With Matthew (and Carter and Haleigh)

Darci, Haleigh and I picked up Matthew from school in Arlington today, and he was excited to get to spend some time playing with Carter. The feeling was mutual, and they had a great time together. Darci had gotten some Valentine cookies for them to bake, and they got busy placing the dough on cookie sheets, and even tasting a bit in the process.

Haleigh supervised, er, slept through, the whole thing.

Cookies are all ready for the oven.

Time for the second batch.

Hearts in the middle... some thought they looked like bunnies.

Show me the cookies!

Careful placement of the cookies, with Darci's supervision.

Finished cookies, ready for tasting!

Aunt Fer is ready to head back to Z-ville. A kiss for Haleigh and she's on her way.

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